Jaccard Index Calculation In R

Recently I’ve been reading about methods to examine data for finding similar ‘items’ in sets. A measure frequently used in data mining for this purpose is called Jaccard Index.

The Jaccard Index is a statistic value often used to compare the similarity between sets for binary variables. It measures the size ratio of the intersection between the sets divided by the length of its union.

Jaccard(A, B) = ^\frac{|A \bigcap B|}{|A \bigcup B|}^

For instance, if J(A,B) is the Jaccard Index between sets A and B and A = {1,2,3}, B = {2,3,4}, C = {4,5,6}, then:

A way to better introduce this concept and its use is by a practical example.

Let’s think about Netflix movie recommendation, where users get suggestions of movies or series they may like depending on their previous selections.

The way to suggest a new movie to a user is by comparing his/her taste with that of other users. That is to say, if user A likes movies and series similar to the ones that user B likes, it makes sense to recommend to user A the movies that user B has liked but that user A still has not seen.

An extremely easy and simple way to record the data is by the use of booleans. If a user likes a movie/series you mark it as a one. If the user does not like a movie/series you mark it as a zero. In the following example, Dave likes Stranger Things, X-Men, Jurassic Park and Inception:

There Will Be Blood100
Stranger Things011
Jurassic Park001
The Master100

Using this matrix (similar to the utility matrix) we are going to calculate the Jaccard Index of Anne with respect to the rest of users (James and Dave). From now on, to make things easier, we will refer to this matrix as M.

Calculating Jaccard

The Jaccard Index (between any two columns/users of the matrix M) is ^\frac{a}{a+b+c}^, where:

With R we can calculate the Jaccard Index of two users using its rowSums function, which returns a vector with the sum of its rows. For instance, for the following matrix:


the rowSums will result in the vector [1, 3].

If we perform the rowSums of the matrix M for two users (columns) and we save the result in vector v, we will conclude following ^\frac{a}{a+b+c}^ for the Jaccard Index calculation that:

Now, we can more easily code the function that calculates the Jaccard Index given two users (identified by the column number) for any matrix structured as M.

jaccard <- function(M, user1, user2) {
  sums = rowSums(M[,c(user1, user2)])

  similarity = length(sums[sums==2])
  total = length(sums[sums==1]) + similarity

By using the algorithm, we conclude that the Jaccard Similarity Index of Anne and Dave is pretty high (3/4) while it is low between Anne and James (1/5). Our system, then, should recommend to Anne movies that Dave already watched and liked.

Obviously, Netflix doesn’t use the Jaccard similarity coefficient for its recommendation system as it ignores rating values; instead it uses the complex, but efficient large-scale parallel collaborative filtering. But I think using movie recommendations as an example is a good choice for simply introducing this concept.